WHEN it comes to welding, workshops need to ensure their equipment and environment is safe for staff and compliant with Australian standards.
WeldConnect director David Crosby said all companies need to test their oxy equipment and environment – and carry out a hazard and risk assessment – every six months.
“We go into workshops that don’t test, and the equipment is in very poor condition which leads to equipment failure, but more importantly the risk of injury goes through the roof,” Mr Crosby said.
“The companies that stick to the system, after about the third time we come in, around 18 months down the line, they’re in a really good spot.
“The equipment is in excellent condition and they get better performance out of the equipment – less failures, less downtime and it improves the standard of their workshop.”
Mr Crosby compared the cycle to that of maintaining your car. If you don’t. eventually something breaks.
“It’s exactly the same principle,” he said.
“It costs companies exorbitant amounts with the endless cycle of replacing equipment when it breaks, so testing regularly means companies are compliant with regulations AND they save a lot of money in the long run.”
In terms of downtime, equipment failure often leads to staff idling around while it’s fixed.
“If the equipment is well maintained and replaced as needed, there’s less downtime,” Mr Crosby said.
“But more than cost saving, it’s about the safety of staff in the workshop.
“Around 80pc of the reason behind equipment failure is human error, whether that’s from turning the equipment off incorrectly or treating the equipment with little regard.
“People do get hurt with welding equipment, and so if your standards are low your risk of an accident is high.
“But if standards are maintained the risk is very low, which is great for safety of staff, with the added advantage of large cost savings for the company over a five-year period.”
Mr Crosby said this comes down to Weldconnect’s systematic approach to testing and compliance.
“We don’t just come in and tell a client what equipment they need to replace. We take a systematic approach,” he said.
“We test the equipment but also the surrounding environment. We document any hazards, measure the risk and give you the appropriate control to eliminate that hazard.”
Mr Crosby said this approach lifts the company’s standards in the long run.
“Down the track there’s less equipment failure, the equipment is performing better and the culture in the workshop has changed,” he said.
“Instead of being rough as guts with the gear, the staff lift their game and look after the company’s equipment.
“Again, it’s like a car. Some might not last for 10 years because the person driving it isn’t taking care of it properly and has treated it poorly.
“Whereas if you look after it, wash it, clean it, service it – you’ll get that 10-year lifespan.”
WeldConnect also sets a high standard in its reporting and has an ISO quality management system with SAI Global, the risk and compliance experts, often auditing the company’s systems.
“We set a high standard for everything we do, and SAI review all our reports to see how we report to the customer every step of the way,” Mr Crosby said.
“It’s great because it encourages us to keep improving. As a result we have even created an app for customers so all our comprehensive reporting data for their site is stored with easy access to their reporting history, including images and the risk matrix for any hazards we’ve identified in their workshop.”
Quick order options
Mr Crosby said that WeldConnect’s experience in getting workshops and their equipment and surrounds up to date has now led to product compliance.
“Because our standards are high, it’s led to workshop management and offering clients an efficient supply chain,” he said.
“So from that reporting log-in, clients now have a quick order portal with all the data of the products they have purchased so they can see what’s coming up that they need to replace, and make monthly orders so they don’t run out of products.”
With everything from service to supply all under one roof, customers are loving the easy and convenient process.
“When you’re the supervisor, the last thing you want to worry about is a little knick knack for the workshop, so they like us coming in to test all the gear, make sure they’re compliant and that they don’t run out of equipment,” Mr Crosby said.
More information:
1300 828 764