Maiden MRE released for Orelia North

The MRE stands at 1.48mt @ 1.15g/t gold for 54.5koz of gold.
The MRE stands at 1.48mt @ 1.15g/t gold for 54.5koz of gold.

A maiden mineral resource estimate (MRE) has been released for the Orelia North gold deposit, part of Hammer Metals’ (ASX: HMX) Yandal gold project in WA.

The MRE stands at 1.48mt @ 1.15g/t gold for 54.5koz of gold and it extends from surface and remains open at depth.

The MRE was based off data from 338 holes, for a total of 18.44km, and 7314 laboratory analyses. The holes were drilled in 2019 and 2024 and consisted of 43 reverse circulation holes and 295 air core holes.

Due to the dominance of the air core drilling over the reverse circulation drilling, the MRE has been classified at inferred.

Hammer managing director Daniel Thomas commented on the release of the MRE.

“We’re pleased to report the initial MRE of over 54oz of contained gold for the Orelia North deposit, providing a solid foundation for Hammer’s ongoing exploration within the Yandal greenstone belt,” he said.

“With the Orelia North deposit located less than 10km north of Northern Star’s (ASX: NST) operating gold mine at Orelia, the project is ideally situated for future development.

“Additional exploration potential will now be considered with a view to increasing the project’s contained gold inventory.”

Although the drilling defined multiple mineralised lodes, more drilling is required to better define the extent of Orelia North.