SACOME welcomes BHP’s move on Olympic Dam copper smelter
The South Australian Chamber of Mines & Energy (SACOME) has welcomed BHP’s proposed staged expansion of its Olympic Dam smelter and refinery, which has the potential to double the State’s copper production by the mid-2030s to 650,000t.
One of only two copper smelters in Australia, the other being Mount Isa in Queensland, this expansion will see the current Olympic Dam copper smelter upgraded to a two-stage smelter, with its refining capacity also expanded.
Last week, a notification in the South Australian Government Gazette announced that the State Government had commenced the application and assessment process.
SACOME chief executive Rebecca Knol says this strategy supports the State Prosperity Project, which is South Australian Government’s roadmap for growing its renewable energy, critical minerals and green manufacturing industries.
“The State Prosperity Project has provided a framework for strategic development that enables value-add to South Australia’s already impressive resource endowment,” she said.
“The gazettal is a significant milestone in BHP’s proposed smelter and refinery expansion, which aims to position South Australia as a leading global copper jurisdiction.
“South Australia was known as ‘The Copper Kingdom’ in the 1840s when copper was first discovered.
“Today’s copper renaissance is crucial to our everyday lives and to our energy transition.
“From EVs and charging stations to mobile devices and life-saving healthcare, copper is fuelling our lives and our net zero ambitions.”
SACOME said in a recent statement that it believes the two-stage smelter will better match the combined asset mineralogy from the Olympic Dam, Carrapateena, Prominent Hill and potentially Oak Dam deposits.
Further steps are now required to advance this project, including an Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) determination, development of Terms of Reference and the preparation of an environmental impact assessment.