WA Mining Club announces new president
The WA Mining Club (WAMC) has announced that Dani Tamati, Resources Hub managing director and long-time committee member, has been elected the Club’s new President for FY25.
With a career spanning more than 30 years in the mining and resources industry, commencing FIFO then residential in the Pilbara, Ms Tamati is aware of the challenges that FIFO and remote living can bring to the workforce.
The WAMC says Ms Tamati works tirelessly with clients and candidates to develop long-term bonds despite the challenges of a dynamic market.
“Dani has always been a people person and wants to grow the WAMC community by continuing to connect good people with great opportunities,” the WAMC said in its announcement.
“One of her many passions is to see women excel — from those who are re-entering the workforce, to those who are already highly skilled and want to take the next step into the C-Suite.
“As President, Dani will bring a wealth of experience and a forward-thinking approach to what is already a successful model, championing the interests of our industry and continuing to collaborate with likeminded organisations which will create growth within the mining community.”
The WAMC was formed in 1972 by mining professionals who felt there was a need for greater interaction at both a social and technical level across the industry.
The original committee envisioned a social organisation for people involved in the mining industry to meet in a forum of informal conversation to discuss industry trends.
Today the club has almost 1000 industry representatives as members.