$250m deal to supercharge renewables in the Northern Territory

The $250m investment will accelerate the rollout of transmission projects across the Territory, with the first wave of these to be completed before 2030.
The $250m investment will accelerate the rollout of transmission projects across the Territory, with the first wave of these to be completed before 2030.

The Federal and Northern Territory governments have signed a $250m deal as part of the Rewiring the Nation Program.

Through the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, the funds will create hundreds of new jobs and see the power grid upgraded and expanded across the Territory, supporting major transmission projects and bolstering grid strength.

The $250m investment will also accelerate the rollout of transmission projects across the Territory, with the first wave of these to be completed before 2030.

The Northern Territory has also signed an agreement to deploy community-scale solar, rooftop solar and clean energy technologies, providing up to $500 in energy cost savings per year.

Northern Territory Energy and Renewables Minister Kate Worden commented on the investment.

“Investing in battery technology ensures Territorians will have reliable power supply as we move to integrate more renewable energy into our electricity grid,” she said.

Projects financed under the Rewiring the Nation Program will increase the amount of renewable generation such as solar and wind, as well as reduce the reliance on power from fossil fuels.

Northern Territory Chief Minister Eva Lawler says the program is significant for the Territory.

“This agreement with the Federal Government will ensure Territorians have reliable power supply into the future,” she said.

“Battery technology will play a significant role in our target of reaching 50% renewable energy consumption by 2030.”

There have now been five agreements signed under the Rewiring the Nation Program, with previous deals in WA, NSW, Tasmania and Victoria.