SACOME implements STEM digital technology program
To ensure South Australia keeps pace with technological developments, the South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy (SACOME) has completed the STEM digital technology program pilot.
This program will aim to increase student interest in technology-based careers and supports the future-skilled talent pipeline needed for the state’s resources sector and other industries.
In partnership with Catholic Education South Australia (CESA), SACOME initiated the pilot program at six metropolitan and regional schools with support from industry partners BHP (ASX: BHP), Nyrstar, Fortescue (ASX: FMG), Hillgrove Resources (ASX: HGO) and SIMEC Mining.
The pilot demonstrated increased student engagement and improved learning outcomes.
SACOME chief executive Rebecca Knol commented on the pilot program.
“Empowering students with a STEM education is an investment in their future and an investment in our state,” she said.
“The pilot was extremely successful and has paved the way for SACOME to continue to advocate for its rollout across South Australian government schools.”
Feedback from teachers underscored the program’s role in boosting teachers’ confidence and skills in teaching digital technologies.
CESA executive director Dr Neil McGoran says the program has been beneficial for both staff and students.
“For young people, it’s been a chance to connect STEM learning to the careers that await them in the future and to understand ways they can use the knowledge and skills they are developing now in unique ways to create a better world,” he said.
“Our staff have found great value in the lesson resources and plans that have been provided to them.
“They have been able to use them to engage the students and to contemplate how STEM skills can be used in industry and careers in the future.”
SACOME is continuing to advocate for a partnership with the South Australian Government to provide the program at all government schools across the state.