ALCOA Australia is looking to expand operations in WA’s southwest in a recent application to the WA Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The company has applied to the EPA to increase production at its Pinjarra Alumina Refinery and increase the rate of bauxite mining at the existing Huntly Mine.
In the proposal, Alcoa is looking to increase alumina production at the refinery by 5pc to 5.25mtpa.
It is also seeking to increase the rate of mining within the Huntly mine to supply 2.5mtpa of bauxite for export.
The proposal also includes the transition of the Huntly mine into the Myara North and Holyoake regions.
The EPA states a maximum 6,700ha of native vegetation will require clearing for the Huntly Mine expansion and an additional 10ha for the Pinjarra Alumina Refinery.
Alcoa commenced operations in WA in 1963 under an agreement with the WA Government to build and run the Kwinana Alumina Refinery.
The same agreement granted a right to mine bauxite in the nearby Darling Scarp.
Today, Alcoa also owns the Pinjarra and Wagerup alumina refineries, with bauxite mining continuing in the original mining lease area.