Consent to mine granted for Stansmore
WA Mines and Petroleum Minister Bill Johnston has granted Lycaon Resources (ASX: LYN) consent to mine at the Stansmore project in the West Arunta region of WA.
This follows the recent approval by Aboriginal Affairs Minister Tony Buti granting West Arunta Resources, Lycaon’s subsidiary, permission to access Ngaanyatjarra Central Australia Reserve for the purpose of carrying out exploration activities.
Recent discoveries by WA1 Resources (ASX: WA1) and Encounter Resources (ASX: ENR) demonstrated the potential for the West Arunta region to host significant rare earth element and iron oxide copper gold mineralisation.
Up to 4.7% niobium pentoxide has been encountered by WA1 Resources around 90km south of Stansmore.
Lycaon technical director Thomas Langley says it’s pleasing to receive the consent to mine.
“The West Arunta is one of the last frontiers for major critical mineral and copper-gold discoveries in Australia,” he said.
“The identification of niobium and rare earth mineralisation associated with carbonatite intrusions by WA1 Resources and Encounter Resources nearby in their first ever drill programs signifies the extremely prospective and underexplored nature of the West Arunta.”
A drilling program of works has now been lodged with the WA Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS) to allow drilling to begin, pending positive heritage clearances.
The heritage surveys are being planned with the Central Desert Native Title Services for late May.