THE surging Chilean Mining, Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) sector has identified Australia as one of four key international growth markets.


The Trade Commission of Chile – ProChile – has been on the promotional trail, bringing a delegation of seven Chilean mining supply companies to the Queensland Mining & Engineering Exhibition (QME) 2018 in Mackay last month.

In 2016, global Chilean METS exports reached $US471 million ($US429m in goods, and $US42m in services); a 7 per cent jump on the prior year.

While Chilean exports of mining goods and services to Australia in 2016 represented a small proportion at just $US7.5 million, it was still a 2.7 per cent increase on 2015.

ProChile business development manager – Mining Giancarlo Tosti-Croce said there were currently more than 6000 Chilean METS providers supplying global companies, including Australian mining and METS giants.

He said Chile’s state-owned Codelco, the world’s largest copper producer, had developed open pit and underground mining technology and expertise that had been exported around the world, including to some Australian companies.


“Codelco has provided expertise in bulk underground mining techniques to some of Australia’s biggest mining companies,” he said.


“So Chilean companies already enjoy strong relationships with Australia’s mining and METS sector and they are used to operating in similar conditions to those found in Australia.

“This puts Chilean mining services companies in a perfect position to provide products and services ideally suited to Australian conditions.

“ProChile’s Program of International Promotion of Mining Suppliers is about leveraging these strong links to Australia to develop the Chilean METS export sector.”

Other strategic markets ProChile is targeting include Canada, Mexico, and Peru.