SINCE its inception in 2012, Nitro Sibir has worked in partnership with its clients to deliver a comprehensive range of market-leading products backed by a highly responsive client focused and ‘safety first’ culture.
The company continues to diversify its service offering and expand its geographical presence, and its capability continues to broaden.
This currently includes projects for key clients across the gold, lithium and bulk commodities sectors, where Nitro Sibir provides value-adding services both in the underground and open cut market.
Nitro Sibir business development manager Christine Everett said that the company was focused on being proactive in managing major projects while maintaining the required flexibility to respond quickly to client needs.
“Our approach is all about flexibility,” she said.
“Our approach encompasses the modern relationship and the traditional model.
“The way we work is integral to deliver our services to standards above industry expectations and to constantly challenge ourselves to drive continuous improvement in safety and innovation.”
Nitro Sibir Australia supplies only low water content bulk emulsion as a standard, Polar SX.
“This product delivers maximum energy at a standardised price, and it is the most cost-effective, energy-efficient solution to mining operations for the breakage of rock,” Ms Everett said.
Its unique formulation has the added benefit of reducing fume events, and it is offered in a range of blends that make explosive selection for specific geologies highly effective, and for underground mines it is oxygen-balanced.
“Our difference lies in the product formulations – we will not ‘add sawdust to the sausage’,” Ms Everett said.
“Everything in our product formulation is designed to improve its effectiveness rather than reduce cost.”
Nitro Sibir Australia is focused on maximising explosive energy in all products, which enables customers to focus on the blast productivity of the selected blast parameters, rather than trying to work out whether they need to spend more money to get a premium bulk explosives with lower water content.
With the low water content Polar SX bulk explosives blended explosives, clients have realised that by using lower density bulk explosives, they can achieve the same results in fragmentation and blast movement at a 1.05 gcm-3 cup density, compared to other explosives suppliers’ bulk explosives blends at 1.15 gcm-3 cup density, leading to a 9pc savings in bulk explosives volume.
To achieve these benefits the client must move away from a powder factor determined set of pattern parameters and use a MJ / BCM energy calculation.
“This optimisation can only be performed where the explosive supplier is open and honest with the client and, if required, allowing the client to independently verify water, oxidiser and fuel contents to enable accurate energy calculation of the formulation,” Ms Everett said.
Ammonium nitrate emulsion (ANE) formulations can significantly vary due to water content, which is dependent on suppliers, from 16pc to 24.5pc if carting on a public road.
Water adds no energy to bulk explosives, but is required for melting of the ammonium nitrate and blending with the fuel to create a water proof explosives.
The difference between an energetic (16pc water) and a really economic (24.5pc water) bulk ANE is an addition 8.5pc water, which adds no energy to the bulk explosives, it reduces the fuel and oxidiser (explosives) component of the bulk explosives.
The difference in the field
Nitro Sibir specialises in blast design review, and has been working to improve wall control blasting results, as well as targeting improved crest retention and selecting optimal product parameters.
This allows for the detailed analysis of current blast design results, and the provision of detailed recommendation by a blasting consultant to improve the results.
It has also demonstrated improved crest retention through quality control, suitable blast parameters and explosives products.
Nitro Sibir Australia has an ongoing research and development program and the team is constantly researching new products that can deliver improvement on site.
Looking to the future, Ms Everett said that the company was working on increased energy Python Presplit specialised wall control packaged explosives.
“It is a specialised high energy presplit that enables the user to reduce the explosive weight required to be lowered into the presplit blast hole, compared to a standard presplit packaged explosives,” she said.
“For example, a 29mm product due to higher energy formulation will have the same or greater energy than a 32mm diameter product.
“This achieves similar result for a lower charge weight and less physical strain on users.”
Nitro Sibir works in partnership with its clients to deliver innovative, industry-leading solutions.
The company has built its reputation on valuing strong client relationships over short-term profit, and as a result the company has thrived.
“We believe that the right products are developed and improved through collaboration and a thorough and in depth knowledge and understanding of the blasting challenges that are unique to each site,” Ms Everett said.
“After listening to our clients and understanding their requirements, we then apply our skills and experience to tailor a product and service that addresses their identified needs.”
More information:
Phone: (08) 9022 3821
Email: [email protected]