WITH one of the largest fuel injection workshops in the whole of Oceania, United Fuel Injections prides itself on an outstanding level of customer service, professionalism and the highest calibre of experienced, expertly trained staff.

The business is focused around four key pillars – turbocharger sales and services, light automotive, heavy diesel and high-performance.

United Fuel Injection managing director Ken Ringrose said that it was all down to experience.

“Key to our ability to deliver the results that we do is our vast wealth of experience and knowledge, we’ve been doing it for 45 years,” he said.

“You can’t teach that.

“It can only be learnt through many years of experience.”

Typically, a turbocharger remanufacture will involve the stripping down of a turbo to assess the damage to components, and those components that have reached their finite service life.

Once a quote of the overhaul is provided to clients, the turbocharger components are cleaned, the turbo shaft is re-balanced, and all parts at the end of their service life are replaced.

For a common rail fuel injector remanufacture, the process is very similar – United Fuel Injection will strip, clean and then replace any necessary components.

If applicable, the company will also apply the trim codes – the codes for an Electronic Control Module (ECM) that determine for how long a fuel injector injects fuel into a cylinder.

When a client frustrated with the service life of its dump trucks, United Fuel Injection was called in for specialist advice.

“They were trying to get 6000 hours of service life from its turbos before a scheduled service, however they were constantly experiencing failure between 4000-6000 hours,” Mr Ringrose said.

By utilising the wealth of knowledge and understanding of the turbo components, United Fuel Injection was able to instantly identify the parts that were the weak/failing point of the turbo, and were able to modify and strengthen the components that caused the most common point of failure, allowing the client to consistently meet the 6000hr operation life before overhaul.

“This meant that they could continue to utilise the equipment and avoid costly downtime from unexpected maintenance,” Mr Ringrose said.

The company has established its name and reputation for quality work because of its continued investment in its team, and in the future of the business.

“Firstly, it’s our employees; we pride ourselves on having some of the most experienced staff in their relevant fields of speciality in Australia and in some cases the world,” Mr Ringrose said.

“Secondly, by constantly upgrading our equipment and refining our processes, and by sending our staff to training courses both in Australia and abroad, we make sure our staff are at the very forefront of industry knowledge.”


More information:

Phone: 1800 199 701
Website: www.unitedfuel.com.au

Email: [email protected]