Apprenticeship and traineeship commencements in the mining industry in 2020 surged to their highest level in seven years, with traditional trades in electrical, metal, automotive and construction driving the growth.

This is according to latest statistics by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research, with the December quarter rising by 127% compared to pre-pandemic levels in 2019.

Completions of apprenticeships and traineeships also increased 53% compared to 2019.

Minerals Council of Australia chief executive Tania Constable says the mining industry prioritises upskilling its workforce and being an employer of choice.

“Apprentices and trainees that choose the mining industry can expect highly paid and secure jobs,” she said.

“It is projected that more than 1,000 apprenticeships will be created by mining industry in partnership with the Australian Government through the Mining Skills Organisation Pilot, an initiative the MCA is proud to support.

“Combined with other initiatives, close to 5000 new apprenticeship positions will be created in the mining industry over the next few years, mostly located in regional Australia.

“As the economy rebounds from the pandemic, which has hit the job prospects of young Australians hard, the minerals industry is supporting regional economies in their time of need.”

The mining industry supports around 250,000 direct employment and generates $300b in export revenue and a third of company tax revenues to fund essential services and infrastructure.

(Image source: Minerals Council of Australia.)