The Mining House Pavilion at the upcoming Queensland Mining and Engineering Exhibition (QME) is set to provide an insight into which companies are making waves in industry. The exhibitor list reads like the who’s who of Queensland’s mining industry: from long-time operators like Anglo American, BHP and Glencore to newer players like Bravus and Whitehaven Coal.

Returning for a second time, the Mining House Pavilion provides attendees with the opportunity to engage with major customers, talk to decision-makers, and find out about community and supplier programs to get that all-important ‘foot in the door’.

Seven mining producers will be exhibiting in the Pavilion: Anglo American, BHP and BMA, Bravus Mining and Resources, Glencore, MacKellar Group, Multicom and Whitehaven Coal – representing 26 of the Bowen Basin’s operating or upcoming mines.

Glencore is one of the biggest mining operators in Queensland, with sites from Rolleston in the south to Clermont in the west and the Mount Isa mine in the north. They’re exhibiting in the Mining Pavilion, sponsoring the Queensland Mining Awards and one of their team, Tanya Cambatis, is speaking on a diversity panel in the Komatsu Seminar Series.

Anthony Exelby, Human Resources Manager at Glencore, says it’s important to support the Queensland mining ecosystem by bringing a strong team to QME.

“Glencore works with 3,770 suppliers in Queensland, so to be in touch with so many of them at an event like QME is a great opportunity. Having one-on-one discussions with attendees about job opportunities with Glencore always proves as a valuable activity for us as well. We can’t wait to uncover some of the stories of innovation and see new technologies in action through events like the Seminar Series and the Mining Awards.”

Bravus Mining and Resources’ Head of Community Kate Campbell said the business was excited to show attendees how regional Queensland expertise had advanced its Carmichael Project since the last QME in 2018.

“Since the last QME we’ve gained our approvals, built our mine and railway and shipped our first coal as part of the testing and commissioning of our infrastructure,” Ms Campbell said.

“Right now we’re ramping up production in readiness for the completion of that testing and commissioning process, which will happen over a number of weeks.

“The skill of both the 2,600 workers directly employed on the Project and the regional Queensland businesses who delivered more than $1 billion in contracts for us were critical to the success of Carmichael.

“There is plenty more for us to do and plenty of good news on this Project still to come, so we’re enthusiastic about continuing to talk with suppliers and support regional communities.”

Multicom is a newer player to the Queensland mining industry, developing the Saint Elmo Project in the state’s North-West Minerals Province. With the increasing focus on developing and delivering ‘critical minerals’ from Queensland to the world, Multicom CEO Shaun McCarthy is eager for his company to engage with industry around how they can get involved in this exciting new project.

“We are looking forward to opportunities to connect with established suppliers who are interested in diversifying from traditional commodities in the state. As a leader in the development of Queensland-based critical minerals, we have the chance to create a sustainable industry using the best of the best in Queensland.”

QME will be held from 19-21 July at Mackay Showgrounds and is free to attend. Visitors must register online at