The Queensland mining sector’s thought leaders are gearing up to share their insights at the Queensland Mining and Engineering Exhibition (QME) from 19-21 July, with the event’s Seminar Series program released today.

The QME Seminar Series, sponsored by Komatsu, will feature panel sessions, keynotes and thought-provoking topics including innovation, industry outlook, exponential technology, workforce, sustainability and occupational health and safety. With thousands of attendees expected and over 280 confirmed exhibitors, the Seminar Series promises to be another major drawcard in an action-packed week.

QME Seminar Series sponsor Komatsu’s Regional Manager Mining, Scott Harrington, says it’s important to hear from different voices in the sector, right through from site-based executives to consultants and academics.

“The topics covered by the Seminar Series are topics that we’re passionate about in our business – how technology is changing the face of the work site, the future of automation and AI, the importance of diversity and opportunities for industry growth through collaboration. It’s the collective wisdom of the entire industry that will push us towards a sustainable future,” said Mr Harrington.

One of the speakers headlining the very first panel session on Day 1 is Christine Gibbs Stewart, CEO of national METS industry association Austmine. Ms Gibbs Stewart is keen to discuss the possibilities surrounding the electrification of mining equipment.

“Electrification of the mining industry is seen as a key strategy in the reduction of our carbon footprint. Our members are leading the way in this by creating and implementing technology that is good for both industry and the environment.”

“There are many initiatives to advance electrification and it is one area where the industry has come together to collaborate. Initiatives like the Charge On Innovation Challenge, looking at the electrification of large haul trucks, will no doubt accelerate technology adoption in this area and be significant in reducing our environmental impact,” said Ms Gibbs Stewart.

At the other end of the Series on Day 3, Professor Neville Plint from The University of Queensland’s Sustainable Minerals Institute will outline and address the complex problems the industry needs to solve on the path to sustainability.

“As society develops, metals and minerals play an important part in building cities, feeding a growing population and keeping us connected. But there are challenges along the way that don’t have easy answers – challenges in sustainably accessing, processing and exporting those necessary minerals and metals.”

“The Sustainable Minerals Institute involves some of Australia’s leading experts in research to seek out answers to those challenges – and we think it’s important to collaborate and partner with industry as we do so. QME is a great opportunity to further that collaboration,” said Professor Plint.

Other noteworthy industry experts speaking at QME’s seminar series include:

  • Ian Macfarlane (Chief Executive, Queensland Resources Council)
  • Melanie Saul (ESG Manager, Pembroke Resources)
  • Ngaire Tranter (General Manager ESG, RPM Global)
  • Professor David Williams (Director of Geotechnical Engineering Centre, UQ’s School of Civil Engineering)
  • Joanne Bergamin (Director of Communications, QEM Limited)
  • Kristy Purdon (Work Management Superintendent, Anglo American)
  • Lydia Gentle (Manager Maintenance, BHP)
  • Tanya Cambetis (Specialist Execution, Glencore)

The QME Seminar Series is free to attend as part of QME, and would benefit engineers, management and site personnel interested in improving productivity and long-term strategy. Attendees can register online at, where the full Seminar program can also be found.

The exhibition and Seminar Series will be held from 19-21 July at Mackay Showgrounds.