A proud mining history spanning more than 125 years has helped Broken Hill become Australia’s first National Heritage Listed city.

Federal Environment minister Greg Hunt presented the honour to a crowd of locals in front of the Heritage Listed town hall in late January.

“Australia’s Silver City, Broken Hill, is of outstanding heritage value to the nation for the significant role the city and its mining operations have played in Australia’s development towards a modern and prosperous nation,” Mr Hunt said. Broken Hill mayor Wincen Cuy said the listing acknowledged the town’s “outstanding significance to the nation” for its role in wealth creation, industrial relations and unionism, community resilience and ingenuity.

“It is a proud moment for our community,” Mr Cuy said. “Our past is our future. We do have a great story to tell.

“We are a proud community and this citation is wonderful recognition of all who have made Broken Hill what it is today, and will continue to make our great city into the future.”

The Australian Heritage Council recognised Broken Hill for its rare historic value and contributions to the national mining industry.