SINCE its inception in 2007, Integrated Fuel Services (IFS) has become a significant player in the hydrocarbons industry with a focus on terminal, rail and bulk storage facilities through its field, fabrication and parts divisions.
With more than 100 years of combined experience in the field and a critical spares stock holding worth more than $750,000, IFS is uniquely positioned to provide core scopes that include major installations, maintenance programs and procurement services.
Through its highly skilled team of electricians, fitters, fabricators, parts interpreters and project managers, IFS prides itself on taking on jobs that no other company can.
It is this attitude that inspired the company’s latest venture: the launch of its specialised tank cleaning division.
“The cost of mobilising anyone throughout WA is expensive; mobilising several different contractors to perform similar duties just doesn’t make sense,” Integrated Fuel Services general manager Matt Colvin said.
Mr Colvin said IFS’s updated range of services included: NMI calibrations; pump and meter repairs; loading terminal installations; coded hose manufacturing; maintenance programs; fabrication services; and, most recently, tank cleaning. Mr Colvin said IFS was also the exclusive WA distributor of Liquip International.
“We have worked closely with our major clients in the past five years to widen our scope to meet their needs.”