$20m fund aims to kickstart new jobs in Mount Isa

Mount Isa: The other side of Queensland.

The Queensland Government has allocated $20m to address the loss of up to 1,200 jobs after Glencore announced the closures of its underground copper mine and copper concentrator and the nearby Lady Loretta zinc mine.

The fund, part of a $50m support package for Mount Isa, will focus on projects that can start up quickly to create jobs and enhance Mount Isa’s attractiveness as a place to live and work. 

The package also includes up to $30m to accelerate resources projects in the North West Minerals Province, led by Queensland Treasury and the state’s department of resources. 

Queensland State Development and Infrastructure Minister Grace Grace says when Glencore announced the upcoming closure of these two Mount Isa mines, our government stepped up to support affected workers and look to the future for the region”. 

“Our focus is on supporting affected workers and the wider community by creating new opportunities for good, secure jobs, improving livability and keeping skilled workers in the region,” she said.

“My department has been on the ground listening to the community and working closely with a range of stakeholders, including with Mount Isa City Council and Glencore, to ensure Mount Isa’s future economic prosperity and the community’s livelihood. 

“We’d also love to see Glencore do the right thing by the Mount Isa community and match this $20m fund.” 

Ms Grace says Mount Isa is at the heart of one of the richest minerals provinces in the world, with new critical industry minerals worth a potential $500b. 

Queensland Resources and Critical Minerals Minister Scott Stewart says the State Government is delivering on the promise it made to the people of Mount Isa when Glencore announced the closure of its Mount Isa copper operations and Lady Loretta zinc mine. 

“The [Queensland] Government will continue to engage and work directly with the community as they deal with this challenge. 

“There is huge potential in the North West Minerals Province for new projects and more jobs and we are backing this through our $5b CopperString 2032 project, he said.