Aboriginal heritage survey scheduled at Wabli Creek
An Aboriginal heritage survey has been scheduled at Reach Resources’ (ASX: RR1) Wabli Creek project in the Gascoyne region, WA.
The survey has been booked with the Burringurrah Aboriginal Corporation for the week beginning July 15, 2024.
The survey will focus on the priority geochemical targets identified by Reach’s consultant geochemist, Sugden Geoscience, and the margins of the late-stage intrusive feature which is considered the likely source of niobium-yttrium-tantalum-titanium-rare earth element enriched pegmatites at Wabli Creek.
Additionally, recent geochemistry has indicated that a carbonatite association cannot be ruled out in addition to the pegmatites.
Reach Resources chief executive Jeremy Bower commented on the survey.
“We would like to thank the Burringurrah Aboriginal Corporation and Wajarri people for their co-operation to complete this survey and we look forward to building on this important relationship,” he said.
“As part of our ongoing ESG commitments, the company is really pleased to engage with the traditional owners of the land on which we explore.
“We look forward to completing this survey with the Wjarri people with the intent to clear targets for a potential drill program within Q3 this year.”
The heritage survey follows the recently announced in-situ niobium and rare earth element results from Wabli Creek, with up to 17.65% niobium oxide, 0.15% yttrium oxide, 10.81% tantalum oxide, 31.39% titanium dioxide and 1.13% total rare earth oxide intersected.