Alcoa seeking graduates for 2025 program

(Image source: Alcoa) Chemical engineer Vani Gupta is a former Alcoa graduate program recruit who now works at the Pinjarra Alumina Refinery.
(Image source: Alcoa) Chemical engineer Vani Gupta is a former Alcoa graduate program recruit who now works at the Pinjarra Alumina Refinery.

Alcoa is on the hunt for graduates in electrical, geotechnical and mine engineering, chemical, mechanical and environmental science for its 2025 graduate program.

This three-year program offers graduates job opportunities at Alcoa’s bauxite mines and alumina refineries in the Peel and Upper South West regions, as well as its Australian headquarters in WA.

Former graduate program recruit Vani Gupta says one of the greatest benefits of the program was the immersive nature of the role and the support it offered.

“Through the graduate program, I really got to experience what refinery life was like,” she said.

“You’re not just working at a computer, you’re going into the field, seeing what changes you need to make, and then troubleshooting on bigger scale projects.

“So that’s when I realised that, hey, I actually do want to live the refinery life.”

(Image source: Alcoa) Former Alcoa Graduate Program recruit Sam Bennett now works at the Pinjarra Alumina Refinery in the role of electrical engineer.
(Image source: Alcoa) Former Alcoa Graduate Program recruit Sam Bennett now works at the Pinjarra Alumina Refinery in the role of electrical engineer.

Electrical engineer Sam Bennett spoke about his time under the graduate program.

“We had access to a lot of training, whether in-house or external, relevant to our discipline,” he said.

“As a graduate you will have a lot of opportunities to learn, and you’ll face a lot of challenges. Every day will be different, so it really is a good place to cut your teeth.”

Both added that a major benefit of working with Alcoa is the ability to go home each day rather than fly-in-fly-out rosters.

Applications for the graduate program are open until March 28, 2024.
