BCI Minerals signs offtake agreement with Chandra Asri

(Image source: Chandra Asri) Delegates from BCI Minerals and Chandra Asri in Indonesia for the signing of the offtake agreement.
(Image source: Chandra Asri) Delegates from BCI Minerals and Chandra Asri in Indonesia for the signing of the offtake agreement.

BCI Minerals (ASX: BCI) has signed a binding offtake agreement for the supply of salt from the Mardie salt and potash project on the West Pilbara coast in WA.

Over the next three years, BCI will supply Mardie salt to a subsidiary of Indonesian-based PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk. Subject to certain conditions being met, Chandra Asri has the right to extend the term for a further three years.

In year one, BCI will supply 300kt of salt, with this figure increasing to 600kt in years two and three.

BCI managing director David Boshoff says the company is delighted to enter the agreement with Chandra Asri.

“BCI is delighted to have entered into an offtake agreement with Chandra Asri, one of Indonesia’s leading chemical and infrastructure companies,” he said.

Salt supply is expected to begin in the second half of 2026, subject to approvals, construction completion, satisfaction of conditions precedent for the debt project financing and development and commissioning of the project.

Chandra Asri will use the salt from Mardie in the chlor-alkali plant currently being developed in Indonesia.

Chandra Asri chief executive Erwin Ciputra commented on the partnership.

“This partnership solidifies our competitive market-leading position for our plans in progress to develop a world-scale caustic soda and ethylene dichloride plant,” he said.