DIVERSE contracting company Brierty operates in WA and the Northern Territory.
Brierty’s urban infrastructure services span residential subdivisions, development works at airports and ports, car parks and service utility installation. Brierty also delivers major civil engineering projects like railways, roads and bridges. In the mining sector Brierty performs drill and blast, mining, road haulage, and ore processing and handling.

Being geographically diverse and offering a range of services has helped Brierty maintain a strong level of performance for clients and shareholders in the past few years in generally difficult conditions for contractors.

Brierty’s operational strength is the result of strong project, safety, quality and environmental management combined with a dedicated focus on Aboriginal engagement.

Brierty enters the 2015 financial year with around $570 million of work on hand, of which around $250 million is for the 2015 financial year. The company is currently working on major projects such as the Western Turner syncline stage 2 for Rio Tinto; Zuccoli Stage 2 development in Palmerston for the Northern Territory Government; Great Eastern Highway (Bullabulling to Coolgardie) widening and overlay project and construction of Great Northern Highway upgrade (Batty Bog to Walebing) for Main Roads Western Australia; and ongoing works for Perth