RESEARCH strongly indicates that continuity of routine and a structured schedule are very important for the overall well-being of children in their early teenage years.
This structure includes a stable family life and a reliable education: two important things that every parent or guardian hopes to provide.
For parents working in the resources sector, a fly in, fly out or drive in, drive out working life may be of concern due to the lifestyle’s potential impact on their children.
The Glennie School offers continuity and excellence in education for girls in a secure and happy learning and living environment.
Students begin boarding at Glennie from year seven and are encouraged to develop lasting friendships that will serve as their ‘other family’ while they are away from home.
Society, the media and teen role models give increasingly mixed messages to young girls, and although they are increasingly independent as they approach adulthood, they are highly influenced by the changes that
adolescence brings.
Glennie’s Middle and Senior Years programs were specifically designed to provide the opportunity for students of all ages to learn and grow in ways that acknowledge and respect the unique and special time of adolescence while also providing the best environment for academic, emotional and social development.
A Glennie education is a priceless investment in any girl’s future. Places for 2013 are already filling fast, and those contemplating a place for their daughter within the school are encouraged to contact Annie Muller at the Glennie School.


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