Lithium Universe to use AI for Apollo exploration

Mining in progress without the use of people.
Mining in progress without the use of people.

Newly listed Lithium Universe (ASX:LU7) has begun using artificial intelligence (AI) for exploration at the Apollo lithium project.

Working with KorrAI Technologies in Canada, the AI will help guide LU7 field teams to focus on specific locations with high potential.

KorrAI’s technology uses satellite data and AI to enhance field exploration practices, optimise time spent in the field, optimise cost and improve exploration outcomes.

Their approach involves using AI to process and analyse satellite data and images, and by using advanced algorithms, KorrAI has created maps that show different geological features such as outcrops, pegmatites and vein formations.

The successful use of the AI technology would enable Lithium Universe to potentially fast-track exploration activities that may have only occurred 12 months from now.

To date, a study has been completed at Apollo to explore for lithium-caesium-tantalum bearing pegmatites using advanced technology like remote sensing, airborne and ground-based geophysics combined with AI.

This outlined 448 priority targets at Apollo which were narrowed down to 28 specific areas for field mapping and sampling.

Chairman Iggy Tan said the company is pleased with the exploration strategy for Apollo.

“We are pleased to announce the exploration strategy developed for the Apollo lithium project, which includes the innovative use of artificial intelligence in collaboration with KorrAI Technologies,” he said.

“By employing advanced algorithms, KorrAI has created maps that identify geological features like outcrops, pegmatites and vein formations using spectral data to locate potential mineral deposits

“The AI-driven approach enhances exploration accuracy and efficiency, allowing us to focus our field activities and resources more effectively, reducing exploration timelines and costs.”
