STRUCTURES at mine sites are often built across mine overburden, which can lead to them becoming unstable due to insufficiently compacted ground.
Uretek Ground Engineering can help restabilise structures and recently did so at a South Australian mine site.
The columns of the belt line filter and main structure, which had been built across mine overburden, had lost ground support over time, resulting in one side of the belt filter structure resting 32mm lower than the other.
Uretek is known for its ability to rectify such problems quickly and with minimum downtime. After inspecting the site, Uretek manager Arthur Winrow said that he could achieve exactly that: rapid re-levelling and re-support without interruption to production. For the five days it took Uretek to resolve the problem, production continued at the plant without interruption.
The self-contained Uretek work rig ensured minimal intrusion on site. There was no excavation, no  interruption, no curing time and no appreciable weight added to the previously stressed ground. This is
the reason why Uretek’s services are often referred to as ‘keyhole surgery’. The two sides of the belt conveyor were brought back to between 7mm and 10mm of each other.
The client was very happy with this and, as a result, was able to significantly increase the unit’s production through-put by speeding up the belt system.