By Jane Goldsmith

SOUTH Australia has formally launched its Royal Commission into Australian nuclear energy, with energy production, uranium and enrichment and waste storage on the agenda.

The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission – the first of its kind in Australia – will review domestic nuclear mineral exploration and extraction, radioactive substance manufacturing, nuclear electricity generation, and radioactive and nuclear waste disposal, but has ruled out uranium mining and military purposes.

South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill said the community would be kept up-to-date on the Royal Commissioner Kevin Scarce’s findings, to encourage public discussion.

The Commission received more than 1000 submissions from the community and industry during the final four weeks of consultation.

“Whilst many people have strong views at both ends of the pro-nuclear/anti-nuclear spectrum, overall I have been impressed with the maturity of the debate to this point,” Mr Weatherill said.

“It is important to note that there will be many more opportunities for people to have their say during this process – this is just the beginning.”

The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission stated it would consider the feasibility and viability of nuclear activity in each case, as well as the risks and opportunities associated with the activities.

“Inquiring into risks and opportunities requires consideration to be given to their future impact upon the South Australian economy, environment and community,” the Commission stated.

“Consideration must also be given to the measures that might need to be taken to facilitate and regulate those activities.”

The review will be conducted by Royal Commissioner, with investigation results and recommendations to be provided to the Federal Government by 6 May 2016.