Horizon Minerals’ reports positive outcomes at its Boorara gold mine, WA, with mining and ore haulage is progressing ahead of schedule and total material movement 22% above plan.

Mr Jon Price, Managing Director, Horizon Boorara, said that a total movement of 232,000 BCM had been mined with approximately 42,000 tonnes of oxide and transitional ore at a fully diluted grade of 1.4g/t Au.  This is in line with the reserve model estimates.

Costs of drill and blasts have been reduced by the mining of a higher than budgeted volume of free dig material which has resulted in better productivity levels.

“First gold production and revenue is expected in July 2020 with production continuing on a campaign basis through to January 2021,” Mr Price said.
First ore mining began shortly after mining commenced at Boorara in May this year.

Both pits are being mined at the same time to coincide with drilling and blasting activities, and will lead into mining at the Crown Jewel pit in the September quarter.

A dedicated milling campaign is expected to treat around 25,000t of ore over a two week period enabling detailed mine to mill grade reconciliations.

This will come from the Regal East pit.

A global resource review is being conducted as part of a consolidated Feasibility Study and will included detail pit mapping to enable greater understanding of the geology of the mine.