WITH the recent appointment of a dedicated resources training director, Durack Institute of Technology has increased its focus on training for the mining and oil and gas industries.
Matt Silvester will now act as the Institute’s main point of contact for resource companies and their contracted local businesses, connecting them to Durack lecturing staff across a range of training areas.
Mr Silvester has more than 11 years of experience in education and training, as well as a wealth of local knowledge, and said he would contribute to the Institute’s focus of creating flexible training solutions.
“Durack already provides thirty six per cent of its training via flexible delivery, so there is very little we wouldn’t look at,” he said.
“We can work with organisations to upskill their current staff through a process that recognises their existing skills and builds on the on-the-job training they are already doing.”
Durack managing director Bert Beevers said growth in the local mining sector and increased requests for partnership programs with Durack had created the need for Mr Silverster’s position.
“In 2011, more than eighty per cent of graduates from one of Durack’s short Maritime Training Partnerships were offered immediate employment in the oil and gas industry,” Mr Beevers said.