ONE of the largest suppliers of modular accommodation to Australia’s mining sector, Ausco Modular, recently participated in public hearings for the Standing Committee on Regional Australia’s inquiry into
fly in, fly out (FIFO) and drive in, drive out workforce practices in regional Australia, held in Queensland during February.
Ausco managing director Anthony Walsh said that the Queensland Resource Council (QRC) brought an underpinning issue to the table at the hearing, which dictates how FIFO workers operated.
“The QRC highlighted FIFO workers’ desire to live elsewhere, away from the mines they work in,” Mr Walsh said.
“This brings us back to the real concern of accommodation shortages and soaring rental prices that communities with FIFO workforces are faced with.
“Modular infrastructure is a genuine, effective solution to solve many of the accommodation related issues, including developing state-of-the-art worker villages that free up properties for residents.” Ausco has highlighted its ability to fast-track the release of quality accommodation options into FIFO communities, whether standalone houses, townhouses, apartments or dedicated village accommodation. Mr Walsh reiterated that it was important for policy writers to note that, when it came to accommodation, a ‘one-size fits all’ policy could not apply.
“Each mining company, each local council shire and each project is faced with its own challenges and constraints,” he said. “These opportunities need to be assessed in context to ensure stakeholder concerns are met and optimal outcomes for communities, industries and individuals are achieved in practice.”


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