JOURNALIST, political advisor and public relations practitioner Steve Cropper created Reputation Australia, and its video and audio production branch Reputation TV, to help companies and individuals create compelling visual and audio content for an online environment.
Reputation TV uses conventional video and audio creation techniques to produce television programs, corporate videos, documentaries and specialist training programs for clients across the globe.
Veteran television producer and technical director Chris Young heads up the TV arm of the company, which can also produce video content for trade shows, presentations and sales packages
to add vibrancy and value.
The Sydney-based team works with both the government and private sectors in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne, as well as other Australian cities and regional centres.
In addition to its online arm, Reputation Australia offers a range of services for print and radio. The company provides communication training programs for media interviews, presentations, the handling of crises
or dangerous issues, and sales and negotiations.
While not a mainstream PR firm, Reputation can and does support clients with special projects at a strategic and implementation levels.