Visible gold intersected at Koonenberry gold project

Gold nuggets in a miner’s hands.
Gold nuggets in a miner’s hands.

Visible gold in quartz veins has been intersected at the Bellagio gold prospect in NSW.

Situated within Koonenberry Gold’s (ASX:KNB) namesake project, a 14-hole air core drilling program was undertaken at Bellagio to test below the base of complete oxidation where broad wide zones of highly anomalous gold was defined during phase one drilling.

Under this recent drilling program, the drill rig was able to penetrate through the completely weathered upper saprolite and saprock where the true nature of the gold mineralisation may be revealed.

Visible gold was observed from 75m to 76m with multiple fine gold grains (0.2mm in size) observed in quartz veins and goethitic fractures in drill chips. Full assays from the phase two drilling program are expected in mid-January.

Following receipt of these results, additional drilling will be planned which may include reverse circulation and diamond drilling to provide critical structural information.

Managing director Dan Power says Koonenberry Gold is excited about the discovery opportunity these findings provide.

“This high impact air core drilling program has met its objectives and we have been able to penetrate below the strongly weathered upper saprolite where better gold grades might be expected,” he said.

“To see visible gold in quartz veins in quartz veins air core drill chips is extremely rare in my experience and therefore extremely exciting.

“Additional drilling will be planned following receipt of these results as well as along the 20km long Royal Oak fault that is understood to control the gold mineralisation at Bellagio and has seen no systematic exploration.”
